Castling in Chess:
Castling is one of the special moves in chess. It is too easy technique, every player apply this method in their game.
What is Castling in Chess:
King makes a unique move,
which is very important, known as castling. Castling can be possible when king
moves two square to right or left. Chess castle is unique technique of a chess
of Castling:
There must be no pieces between King and
This both of pieces cannot move before of castling.
If king threated by opponent’s any of
pieces and move the king after that Castling not possible.
Player can not castle during check, Once player out of check then
he/she must be able to make castling.
In this process only a
rook and king involve. There are two types of castling :
castling :-
Where the white King goes two spaces to his right, on the other hand, the Black King goes two spaces to his left, Which mean white King move from e1 to g1 and black King move from e8 to g8. This castling noted as 0-0.
Where the white King goes two spaces to his right, on the other hand, the Black King goes two spaces to his left, Which mean white King move from e1 to g1 and black King move from e8 to g8. This castling noted as 0-0.
Where the white King goes two spaces to his left and the Black King goes two spaces to his right, Which mean white King move from e1 to c1 and black King move from e8 to c8. This castling noted as 0-0-0.
Where the white King goes two spaces to his left and the Black King goes two spaces to his right, Which mean white King move from e1 to c1 and black King move from e8 to c8. This castling noted as 0-0-0.
After castling, rook gets an open file to move and attack. However there are some conditions that must be in place before you castle, both the king and rook cannot move. You cannot move King while in check or into check or error a line of check.
Here is some condition when castling not granted
1.Player Cannot castle while check.
2.King can not be in check.