Rules of Chess: Know Step by Step

The chess rules  organized by the World Chess Foundation also known as FIDE. FIDE stand for Federation Internationale des Echess, based in Switzerland.
It was formatted on 20 july 1924. Players should follow FIDE rules and regulation.
There are some rule of chess stated below:

1. Touch and move policy:

If a player touches any of the chess pieces unknowingly then must speak “I Adjust” or relative word, otherwise touch pieces should move if it possible. This touch and move law was made by FIDE.
There are also example where player break the rule and continue to the game by World Champion Garry Kasparov against Judit Polger in a tournament. Of course, Fischer Knew that he just forget it at that moment. That was happened with many times with many players. So players must follow the rules and finalize your decision before touching a piece.

2. Not use Gadget:

Players may not use mobile phones or any other gadget during the game and may not help from any other person. This rule of chess is mentioned by FIDE.
The main goal of the chess game is checkmate to the opponent's king, that means a particular square king gets threatened by the opponent of any piece and there is no way to move.

How to win a chess game are stated below:

i>          Checkmate: It is main goal of chess game where opponents King could not move to other square during checkmate.


ii>              Out of Time: If a player’s time is over he/she must be lost his/her game.

iii>        Resignation A player could resign a game if his /her game position was very poor and could not come out from that position.

How to Draw a chess game are stated below:
Most of the players agree to draw because there are only a few pieces on board. Reason for few pieces not to possibly attack, Because King also saves his own pieces.

1. By Agree : If a player offers to his/ her opponent for a draw and he/she can accept this offer at any time.
2. Stalemate: It happens when no pieces can move and king is not in check, But if King moves to any square and gets check, it is also a draw position, name is stalemate.


3. Perpetual check : If a player makes an attack to the opponent's king again and again by the same move. It is called perpetual check.
4.     Threefold Repetition : There are many reasons why a chess game ends in a draw, and this process is one of them. If a player could lose his/her material during the game and no option to win, then if he/she gets a position continue to attack opponent’s best pieces simultaneously there times. That is going to draw by repetition. If a same position is repeated three times in a game by both the players. This is also a draw position, called by threefold repetition.